Like you, Caritas is watching the spread of this novel coronavirus (COVID-19) with great concern. This fast, evolving situation is unsettling, and it is not at all clear how broad the impact on our communities will be. In the meantime, we recommend that residents read or listen to updates from their community offices and call or email their office with concerns or questions.
Below are also a list of resources for more and up to date information. (To access websites, click on blue, underlined titles.)
Fresno County: website; local helpline: 2-1-1*
Lake County: website; local helpline: 2-1-1
Los Angeles County: website; local helpline: 2-1-1
Orange County: website; local helpline: 2-1-1 or (800) 564-8448 (7 days/week, 8am-5pm)
Riverside County: website; local helpline: 2-1-1
Sacramento County: website; local helpline: 2-1-1, (800) 500-4931, or (916) 498-1000
San Bernardino County: website; local helpline: 2-1-1 or (909) 387-3911 (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm)
San Diego County: website; local helpline: 2-1-1
San Luis Obispo County: website; local helpline: 2-1-1 or (805) 543-2444 (7 days/week, 7am-9pm)
Sonoma County: website: local helpline: 2-1-1

*2-1-1 is a 24-hour helpline that connects people to health, human, and other social services like supplemental food programs, utilities assistance, and other community-specific resources. Calls to this line are free, confidential, and accessible in several languages.